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National Resource Center for Youth Services: Oklahoma Successful Adulthood Program


Professional Development

OKSA provides practical and engaging learning that is relevant to professionals working with transition-aged youth. Our training events build the capacity for individuals and organizations to better serve youth between the ages of 14-26. Professional development services assist administrative staff, field staff, and providers working with OKSA eligible youth to prepare young people for the transition to a safer, healthier, more independent, and productive life.

Statewide Training

Our statewide training calendar is open to child welfare specialists, foster parents, placement providers and community partners at no costs to the participants. Workshops include specific topics that build professional capacity to engage and support transition-aged youth.

Learn More and Register

Training By Request

OKSA offers on-site training and support that is specifically tailored to your needs. We will work with you to determine how OKSA can best support your call for assistance. The purpose of the program is to fulfill the youth-serving professionals need to know the best practices and available resources to help young people succeed.

Some ways OKSA can support your needs are through providing general information dissemination, on and off-site consultation or training, and direct assistance to meet specific needs and provide practical solutions.

You can fill out this form to request assistance.

Training By Request Form

Virtual Training

OKSA offers virtual professional development training to increase the participation of foster families and child welfare workers in events, trainings, and consultation to strengthen their capacity to best serve young people. The virtual services meet your needs through the development and coordination of Facebook Live events, virtual consultation meetings, and online professional development trainings.

See Our Current Online Events


#OKSAConnects is our virtual interview series designed to connect professionals, foster parents, and other supportive adults with resources and information on a variety of issues that impact the lived experiences of Oklahoma youth in foster care.

Each month, we invite guests to speak on a particular topic. If you are interested in being our guest on the show, please email If you would like to watch our previous interviews, please head over to our YouTube channel, or follow us on Facebook for the Livestream.

The University of Oklahoma OUTREACH National Resource Center for Youth Services
5727 S. Lewis Ave., 2nd Floor, Tulsa OK 74105-7146 | (800) 274-2687

© 2025 National Resource Center for Youth Services
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